Stephanie Imhoff is a local artist, born and raised on Vancouver’s beautiful North Shore. She majored in Photographic Arts at the Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design, where she earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts in 2003. Her visual work is primarily photographically based, with a strong focus on West Coast natural themes, including insects and sweeping landscapes. She continues to develop bodies of work utilizing infrared, long exposure and macro techniques, as well as digital collage. She is an active volunteer with numerous urban agriculture initiatives and has contributed creative work to local charitable organizations such as the Edible Garden Project, Hives for Haiti and the Table Matters Network.
Artist’s Statement
As a photographic artist I am primarily an observer. My recent work is about really slowing down to observe and document the natural beauty of my environment on both micro and macro planes. My process is my meditation requiring exploration, patience, calm and perseverance. Scouting locations, selecting composition, focus and exposure calls for slow meticulous patience when landscape photographs routinely require exposure times of 30 seconds to 30 minutes. While in contrast photographing insects requires very fast exposures; tiny subjects, tiny focal planes and fleeting opportunities, even in insect rich environments, calls for a slow calm perseverance.